
Posts Tagged ‘Spiritual Evolution’

Your human journey involves descending deep into a microscopic perspective of creation that is dense beyond compare. Along your journey, you perceive a vast array of dramatic experiences, both “good” and “bad,” and your goal is your salvation—to accept everything that you experience with total, spiritual LOVE. This unifies, transforms, and uplifts your personal experience as well as the human paradigm from the inside out.

You are here to tap into GOD’S LOVE that resides within your eternal and invincible core and help create heaven on earth. You do so by embracing all aspects of your human journey and your human self, including both sides of duality. This means that you allow yourself to see and accept your own polarized judgments, where injustice lurks, so that you grow exponentially with LOVE.

As challenging as it can be, your growth often comes on the other side of admitting to yourself that you are “wrong.” This allows you to stop rejecting opposites so that you can unify instead; you fully descend into density and transform it with LOVE. The task is brutal and very personal, but if you can take all self-righteous blinders off and confess to yourself that you have been growing through acting “bad” as well as “good,” you are able to LOVE in a whole new way. You are able to forgive and absolve your very self, and therefore, forgive and absolve everyone else. For, as I share often, how can you fully love anyone if you don’t fully love yourself? When you fully open your heart, you open your heart to GODSOURCE—the center of us all. You transform your own density and duality, and therefore transform humanity on behalf of GOD within. Words cannot describe the elated feeling. 

It is glorious to consider how each of us does this, contributing to the most spectacular crescendo of unconditional LOVE. With it, we are building the harmonious paradigm that we have longed for, and I am in awe of us co-creating this masterpiece. We never give up. We get up day after day, despite our toughest, most personal challenges, and carry on with spiritual faith burning in our hearts to keep evolving. And although we descended into a fallen world and endured the unthinkable, we continue to wake up and expand our awareness, determined to bring GOD’S LOVE to this place. Our heroism demonstrates our true essence, for we know that OUR LOVE is the only thing that is really real. With it, we are merging together in all-accepting union as we hurdle towards rapturous reunion. And now we know LOVE like we never have before.   

So please, don’t wait for Ascension! Just bring GOD’S perfect LOVE through your beautiful self right now and end your struggling quest. Ask yourself how you can create heaven on earth at this moment, and get going with peaceful purpose! This may mean simply sitting in all-pervading PEACE and not being a busy human. Whatever your calling may be, know that flourishing is your birthright, and it is in your hands to thrive. You are meant to trust life again instead of fearing it and to not feed into judgment, personal or political, of any kind. Please understand that you are a Living, Loving child of GODSOURCE in physical embodiment and you already have everything that you have ever longed for as you read this.

You are loved infinitely and unconditionally, and eternally beneath the starry skies. Your human journey allowed you to experience the wonder of rediscovering yourself as GOD-LOVE in the most dramatic way imaginable. Now, together, we get to embody yet more LOVE than we ever thought possible on earth.  


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You have tremendous power to affect anything that you focus upon. When you give something your loving attention, you amplify its divine qualities. When you give a fellow human being your loving attention, you provide nurturing energy that helps that person to thrive. In fact, any time you encounter someone and look upon them with love instead of ignoring them or judging them, you lift both of yourselves up. This powerfully elevates reality. 

You have the power to change reality for the better by looking upon everyone with love. You have the gift to embody the most powerful Unconditional Love that embraces everyone and everything with total acceptance, including yourself, and this uplifts the entire human paradigm. And, excitingly, when you look upon the world with love, you see that everything is actually love already and that anything other was just a distraction. All is love, you are all, and anything else was a shadow of its true self. 

You are the love that lives in all things—the jaw-dropping bliss that permeates all life and inherently connects us as one to each other. You are the epic, infinite love that flows through our life-filled cosmos and yields yet more love upon love. And this love beckons you to stop resisting it—to relax into its flow and solve the mystery of yourself. This love asks you to just feel it and melt into its simplicity, and see how everything is already perfect. 

And then something becomes obvious. Love is easy. Only suffering is hard.

If you give love to everything that comes into your awareness, whatever it may be, you will watch your world bloom with joy! If you give everything that is challenging the most immense, all encompassing hug and simply wrap your arms around anything you used to fight, you will alchemize lead into gold. If you love everyone with all your soul, you will help them to flourish right before your eyes. For, your eyes are so incredibly powerful. Your gaze is God’s gaze looking out through your unique perspective, and you are here to look upon this realm with love. You are here to open your heart so wide to all that you perceive until you love the whole world and all that’s in it with bliss unparalleled. 

This is called Earth Ascension. This is your personal and collective evolution, and gratitude amplifies it. Appreciation expands the LOVE that you feel and the beauty that you see as you bless everything around you with your exquisite affection. That is when life magically shows you to yourself, and you laugh at how easy life really is. You realize that life has been asking you for your powerful attention instead of you giving that attention to distractions.

Unconditional Love returns you to yourself, as it does for all of us. For, we are remembering to appreciate this paradigm with all of our hearts until it transforms right beneath our feet. That is how we stop longing for another world because we realize that heaven is already here. Then we live as love and know love like we never have before.

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Take a moment with me right now, and sit with yourself without any distractions. Get into a peaceful state, in the present moment, and simply allow yourself to be, just as you are. As you slip into this peaceful state of being, let tranquility take over all of your senses. Enjoy feelings of serenity and let anything other melt away and evaporate.  

Now, as you reside in this tranquil state, allow yourself to experience reality without forming words in your head. Take language out of your mind and don’t talk to yourself or catalogue what you experience. Allow yourself to see everything around you without defining what you behold so that all life simply exists before you. Notice how removing words expands your experience. 

Notice how quickly reality takes on a fresh kind of innocence. You experience the life-force that lives in all things. You savor the sheer bliss of being alive. You feel liberated by this way of perceiving the world and perceiving yourself.  

Living without language is profoundly expansive, for as you stop forming words, you stop forming thoughts in your head and nothing controls your experience. You get to sense things with a renewed perspective instead of defining them or shaping stories. And, almost immediately, loving awareness takes over along with exquisite feelings. 

Without language, images simply bloom around you without being categorized. Everything is discovered anew without a past that haunts or a future that pigeonholes. Everything is allowed to live freely and to be beautiful in its own way, and life feels full of wonder. The world shines with dappled light and reveals itself reborn. All is perfect and sacred. All sings and swells with awe.   

Words cannot begin to define life. Case in point, your name cannot represent who you really are, for you are an eternal being of spiritual LOVE, yet the word love itself is terribly limiting. How can you ever describe love’s infinite expansion—love that is the gossamer fabric of existence or the undying love that you feel for another person? Yet, you can allow yourself to be in a state of fluid LOVE without words—a state where you and all that is are one and the same and everything is a living miracle. 

Have you ever tried to tell someone about a miraculous spiritual experience that you had? The task is nearly impossible. When you start to describe the indescribable, the experience begins to lose its magic. As soon as you start to define anything with words, it stops feeling wondrous. 

Have you ever noticed that it can be blissful to just sit with people instead of filling the space with talking? Daily language seems to make most things mundane and stifles the natural flow of feelings. Words encourage you to narrow your experience, for as soon as you name something, it sits outside of you and feels separate. But notice how unified life feels without language.

Most of all, notice that you cannot form judgments if you don’t put words into your head. Taking language away helps you to heal internal discord, and this helps you to heal reality from the inside out. You are better able to release attachments and fears which frees you to evolve to a higher paradigm.   

Of course, words can be beautiful too and can help you to focus on enlightening concepts. Words have been invaluable for communication and are the reason you can read this article! Yet, you also have the capability to be incredibly intuitive and to communicate telepathically with others. Taking words away strengthens these abilities.

Now, take this closing moment to think of a color that you love and let that color wash through you. Allow yourself to feel the bliss of your color as it expands and dances in your awareness, until the color loses its name entirely. Indeed, you cannot even remember what it is called! Let this color take on a life of its own—bold, brilliant and diaphanous all at once. Shimmering, crystalline and sublime. Let this color show you how to experience life from now on. Expand your unique self in all directions as you go forth in infinite expression—everblooming and ever-loving, painting all the colors of creation.

SuzanneMBaker.com     ShareTheSpiritual.com      TwinFlameHelp.com 

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Everything that we have been going through in our lives has been helping us to evolve, or Ascend, so that we can thrive in the higher paradigm of heaven on earth. Our challenges bring up fears that we want to heal that are keeping us from Ascending. These fears originate from past failed Ascension attempts on this planet that left us feeling traumatized, betrayed and abandoned. 

This is why the Ascension process is so incredibly difficult and can be excruciating to go through. We are healing every tragic lifetime of survival and suffering that we have endured as human beings on earth. We are clearing every feeling of being forsaken by the spiritual, mislead, kept in the dark (literally) and sacrificed without warning. We are clearing all of the trauma that we experienced as souls and as bodies when Lemuria and Atlantis were destroyed. 

Our personal challenges push us to address and face all of this ancient trauma so that we can embody a higher way of being. These challenges often appear in the arena of close relationships. Relationships easily bring up feelings of abandonment and betrayal, which is why they are often filled with drama, but it’s also why they are catalysts for healing. 

The greatest obstacle to healing is that it’s really easy for humans to blame the external for anything challenging. This keeps trauma hidden inside, and we miss the opportunity to heal. So, it’s imperative that we address all of our fears and feelings of being forsaken so that we can be free of these distortions forever, and we do this by facing and clearing our feelings that arise from all the traumatizing things that we have been through instead of blaming those who bring up these feelings for us.

This means that all failed relationships and relatives who treat us badly are actually providing opportunities for spiritual healing. At the soul level, they are trying to help us walk through our trauma so that we can be free to live in harmony forevermore. This also pertains to world events which bring up ancient fears, and we want to personally heal these too instead of blaming. The darkness that we experience and witness is actually helping us to process our ancient wounds and creations so that we can heal and successfully Ascend this third and final time around. We have to go through the darkness, not around it.

How exactly do you heal? Feel what comes up for you, head on. Face it, feel it, express the wound and process it in the comfort of your own home with your own gorgeous Soul as your Guide.* Forgive all, and see that you are being freed from distortions of LOVE. Replace that psychological discord with TRUST. For, once you heal, you are able to trust life again. You are able to regain your spiritual mastery while in human form and embody a powerful, higher expression of yourself—the ultimate dream come true!! As we do this together, we Ascend this human paradigm to the Garden of Eden that we long for. 

The task is HUGE, and it is EVERYTHING. Indeed, it is the most important purpose that ONE could ever dream of. We are such courageous beings of LOVE to be here at this time, and we are fulfilling the ultimate hero’s journey. We are TRUSTING in the Divine Plan with all our hearts and leaping ecstatically into the gorgeous NEW! I’ll be writing much more about that soon : ) 

SuzanneMBaker.com     ShareTheSpiritual.com      TwinFlameHelp.com

*Lots of info and books on the healing process are available on my sites.

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At this moment, humanity is healing the corruption we have known for ages, and we are doing so at breakneck speed. We are seeing all the crushing darkness that we have experienced in sharp relief, and we are freeing ourselves from its formidable shadow. Thrillingly, as we liberate ourselves, it becomes obvious that we are actually immense beings of total LOVE and that we are meant to thrive in harmony as ONE. This also means that any further corruption that we experience can seem unbearable and hard to comprehend. Nevertheless, as we continue to find out just how shocking certain behaviors have actually been on this planet, it is essential that we not get trapped in judgment, despite what we have all been through. Judging evil only perpetuates it, and our evolution requires healing all judgment.

It is imperative to understand that judgment is the medium through which darkness flourishes. Dark systems encourage us to judge everything for good reason. Judgment keeps us powerless and controllable. We remain divided from each other and preoccupied. We compete, win or lose, and survive by overpowering other people. In order to liberate ourselves, we want to stop feeding a state of opposition. We want to heal all the ways that we participate in judgement, including how we treat ourselves inside. We see all, accept all, and forgive all until we rise above corruption with unconditional LOVE.

Seeing all is key, and this means seeing ourselves clearly. We want to see how we’ve been trained to make others wrong so that we can feel right—how we may blame the external and cast a blind eye on our own shadow. We want to see how we’ve been conditioned to take sides, dislike each other and ourselves, and to feel pity instead of compassion. This judgment keeps us from seeing the bigger picture of our intrinsic unity. We miss out on feeling the infinite love that is our birthright. We remain distracted and literally in the dark, unconsciously fueling corruption.

Awareness is everything, and the truth is coming out now. We know just how dark the underbelly that held us captive was, and we know just how conditioned we were to let it rule us. We were thrust into a toxic system of unnatural scarcity that benefits the few. We were forced to hate out of fear and to feed the darkness in order to survive. In truth, the idea of judgment had to be hammered into us again and again because it isn’t natural to humans. We are naturally ultra-loving, kind and generous, and we are simply living in a dense realm that went horribly awry, a realm that we are now transforming—a place that provided invaluable growth for our souls.

Transformation involves compassion, and when we return to unconditional love, we understand in our Higher Heart that all darkness is a maligned cry for love. It is a lashing out that is trying to make up for the impossible—a debilitating feeling of separation from GodSource. Darkness is trying to cope with the traumatic loss of ultimate love, and it does so by exerting power over others. This is where all suffering begins. It ends with unconditional love. 

The infinite generosity of unconditional love frees us from darkness and transforms our suffering into the sublime. When we actualize the very GODLOVE that was missing in the first place, we alchemize suffering into gold. This is a superpower that you, yourself, have within you. This is the power that we are enacting together, as one courageous people who are Ascending the human paradigm as you read this.

The whole truth is that we came here to this dense realm in order to heal corruption, and we are doing so from the inside out. We heroically took on this human experience in order to transform our world at the most personal level by liberating ourselves. How exactly? On our own terms. We each get back to GODLOVE in our own way through our unique and precious perspective. We free ourselves from the darkness which allows us to assist humanity further through advanced talents that we rediscover.

There are SO MANY of us doing this epic work now, and we are absolutely EVERYWHERE all over the world. Together, we are transforming the darkness at this moment as each brave soul joins in. Together, we are creating one massive healing, weeping and laughing in unison, dissolving all the shadows that kept us apart. We are uniting in total, unstoppable TRIUMPH until our hearts are moved so deeply that our souls take over—souls that simply love. Love is and always will be natural to us, and love is what always prevails. This is our Divine Destiny, and this is why you are here.

SuzanneMBaker.com     ShareTheSpiritual.com      TwinFlameHelp.com

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Precious Beings of Light, it can be helpful to understand that many ages ago a control system was put in place to keep humanity limited. Why? Because we wanted to evolve successfully. Our previous evolution attempts had failed—disastrously so. We were having difficulty evolving at such a dense level of creation, and we wanted to achieve our goal this time. So, a plan was enacted to guide us slowly and strategically through our evolution until completion. The plan was to let us grow at our own pace and to discover our own divinity within, something that we had to do ourselves. We had to heal our lower, darker and more dense aspects in order to remember our higher, lighter and benevolent nature, and eventually unite the two—fully and completely, without compromise. We had to remember holy GodSource, and we had to be humbled in order to regain our creative powers and use those powers wisely for the benefit of all.

The control system that was put into place to aid our evolution was our human conditioning. We were conditioned to forget GodSource and our all-loving, creative power, and to give that power away to authority outside of ourselves. We experienced amnesia, separation, fragility, and a manipulated environment. This went on longer and more harshly than intended. We were conditioned to fear everyone and everything, including GodSource, via false gods, and to live in survival mode. We were mistreated, atrociously so. We also felt betrayed and abandoned from our prior evolution attempts, and these core wounds ruled our days. But, this diminished state was not meant to last forever. In time, we would naturally evolve out of the quagmire instead of self-destructing, and we would rightfully thrive in a whole new way that would surpass our wildest dreams! We would take with us what we had learned the hard way and create a new reality that was beyond magical.

That time is now. We are ripe to finally evolve to a state of heaven on earth. The only thing that is really holding us back at this point is ourselves. I say this with complete awe for all that you have personally done to help us get here. Your contribution to the long-awaited evolution of humanity has been essential, and you are the bravest aspect of your gorgeous soul. It is now time to let go of anything holding you back from flourishing in human form as you so deeply deserve.   

We humans hold ourselves back when we feed into divisiveness. We resist our own evolution when we fear and judge. Duality sabotages our evolution process; picking sides thwarts our goal. We also sabotage ourselves when we let our wounds and fears run our lives. This is how we betray and abandon ourselves. We sabotage ourselves further when we feed into vanity which separates us from our holy and all-loving GodSource. 

The solution to our conundrum is unity. We must unite together in unconditional love—our natural state. We must expand our awareness with LOVE that frees us from the confines we have known—LOVE that completely opens our very world and returns us back to the bliss of GodSource.    

Loving awareness is everything, and it means going beyond conspiracy. Yes, we can see the toxic control systems that we no longer need in order to shed them, but we cannot stop there. We have to step out of the cage and fly. Because whatever we put our attention on, that is what we receive. So, when we judge anything, we create yet more of what we don’t want and are trapped. So, if we feed into conspiracy, we create yet more discord, but if we lovingly, unconditionally accept all, we experience yet more harmonious LOVE in return. When we unite with all, we are invincible and powerful, and we create our new paradise.   

I say it all the time, all judgment comes from inside of ourselves and is something that is asking us to heal within. We are being called to forgive and thus clear our own fear-based conditioning that causes harm to life. That is how we heal reality from the inside out, and that is your courageous mission. 

Your personal, evolutionary goal is to heal your own conditioned limitations, remember GodSource, take back your spiritual power and uplift this world as only you can. That is why you have always been an optimist because you know that everything is going to turn out miraculously well and that earth Ascension is assured. And while, yes, you have survived the unthinkable and been through one hell of an initiation—literally, you have emerged unscathed, and you are ready to love yet more! That is how incredible you are. For, you are holy GodSource looking out through your unique and precious eyes, and you are here to help all of us to evolve. Your life is an exquisite artwork—a sacred puzzle being put back together by sacred you, one magical piece of synchronicity at a time. And your Ascension is your ultimate masterpiece—your shining destiny finally actualized.

SuzanneMBaker.com ShareTheSpiritual.com TwinFlameHelp.com

Shout out to Dr. Michael Sharp for helping me to begin solving my own spiritual puzzle many years ago. Please find his invaluable work here. 

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I talk a lot on this blog about opening the heart, but what exactly do I mean? I mean allowing yourself to feel more unconditional love than you ever have before. When you do, you will see just how beautiful life is.

For a long time as humans, we forgot about unconditional love. We lived in survival mode, and love became a luxury we couldn’t afford. But without love, we are only half alive.

Love allows us to thrive, and in my own life I have been deeply reminded of this. I have been given the highest unconditional love that has shown me what my heart is capable of. In trusting the immensity of this gift, a chain reaction has occurred, leading to yet more love all around. Now, I adore every human being on this planet, and I have new eyes to see the world. I am in love with life, and my heart is opened for good.

Last week, I walked through the airport and saw every human being through the lens of unconditional love. I saw each person’s struggles as though they were my own. I thought how beautiful and courageous each one of us is and how much love we long to hold, if only we would allow ourselves to. I realized that I believe deeply in each of us here and how pointless my ego is. All my cold judgment melted away, and my fear became meaningless. Everything made sense that used to puzzle me before.

Pondering the ills of the world, it’s so clear that all anyone needs is to be loved. It is that simple. And when someone receives unconditional love, they come alive to who they really are! Everything that used to hurt begins to heal more rapidly than the mind can believe.

You see, the truth is that we settle for problems but none of them are really real. They are created out of limitation that has simply forgotten love.

Unconditional love has no limitation. It has no requirements or deficiencies. You don’t have to feel “worthy” of this love because you already, emphatically are it. And once you accept this love, you realize how easy it is. Life used to seem so difficult, but now it is effortless and pure.

Each gorgeous human being who crosses your path is asking you to feel unconditional love, and in so doing, fully love yourself. They are trying to get you to open your heart as you so deserve to do. Your soul is asking you to do this right now – to love bigger than you ever thought you could. And all you have to do is let yourself be as you naturally are. Once you experience the fullness of love, you won’t ever want to go back. You will see that all the time before you simply forgot how you’re meant to live.

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I like to call the times that we are living in “The Deepening,” because for me it describes how it feels to spiritually evolve. Right now, humanity is growing in unprecedented ways that are becoming increasingly dramatic. Every day now, we are moving away from operating on the surface to living more deeply from our beings. We are shifting from shallow connections, gestures, and concerns to seeking deeper relationships, responsibilities, and purpose. Finally, our spiritual depths are coming to light, and we are realizing just how infinite we are.

At this very moment, as incredible as it might seem, we are in the process of transitioning from a third dimensional world into a multidimensional one. But this is not as crazy as it sounds. Because dimensions are levels of awareness that have been here all along, and in many ways what we’re going through is an ancient remembering. It is a remembrance of our real selves.

For eons, as humans, we haven’t been able to perceive much beyond the third dimension – that is, until now. For ages, we have been entrapped by limited consciousness, but finally we are waking up to more. And although we’ve become used to living with the illusion of separation, we are now ready to remember connectedness to all life. We remember the profound oneness we have always been.

But what’s even more incredible about this transition, is that the solid, tactile environment we are used to is combining with heightened spiritual awareness. And that means that we will live in the higher dimensions while maintaining physical form. We are being given an unprecedented blend of both worlds that is a masterpiece of creation! And what’s most exciting is that these higher dimensions reverberate with unconditional love.

We are bringing deep, immense bliss to the human experience. If you have ever felt spiritual love that overwhelms and permeates every cell of your being, then you have an idea of where we are headed. Right now, we are making ourselves ready to reside in these higher frequencies, but they cannot support a lack of love. And that is why we are purifying ourselves every day by rapidly growing through increasing personal issues. We are being asked to choose love so that we can live in our new world.

Of course, denial can easily be a part of this purification process. We have been conditioned to put off what hurts and to compete in heartless ego games. And honestly, I understand. These days, I find myself increasingly uncomfortable with others because it feels like all my stuff is on display. But if I brave it out, I finally address what has been keeping me from love.

And then I realize that all of my stubborn stuff that doesn’t feel good enough is being exposed so that I can grow. It’s as though the universe is saying, “Look, you still have this hidden in here. Shine light on it, give it love and let it go. Shed your cold conditioning and look at the immensity of love that has always been beneath. Come and warm yourself by its fire.”

The Deepening that we are going through is a natural process if we remove our ego conditioning. It is a natural experience like breathing, and it’s unfathomably deep, just like you. Right now, stop and feel how deep you are at this moment. Close your eyes, and sense the limitlessness of your being, and see that you are an integral part of creation. You will never be able to prove or truly explain this in familiar terms, because it’s beyond the scope of the third dimension. But to tap into your depths is to live from your limitless and loving being, not the limited and linear mind.

When you live from your being like this, you enable yourself to be grounded amidst our changing world. Remember, this change is growth, and it has a purpose of astounding proportions – to bring this human plane into the multi-dimensions. So welcome our growth and our staggering return to love. Welcome this long-awaited deepening unlike anything you will ever know.

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Are you experiencing sudden moments of chaos in your life? Volatility seems to be all around us these days, and yet this is a sign of dramatic growth.

Right now, we are becoming highly evolved human beings, and so we are feeling intense purification. We are being offered unparalleled opportunities to skyrocket on the spiritual path.

And where is all of this growth leading us? Towards all-accepting, unconditional love.

You see, we are here to grow with love. We are not here to live what the ego might call a “perfect” life. And if we’re not growing with love, then we are missing out on what our souls yearn for within the human experience.

The ego resists and avoids such growth, but thankfully growth can no longer be ignored. Finally, the intensity that we are feeling is helping us to recognize how we want to change. Can you recognize this in yourself?

Every pain that you feel – something you don’t like – is asking you to grow. It is asking for more love. It wants you to open your heart from the layers you have built to protect it.

Your issues of growth will make themselves known, so work through them instead of resisting. It can be all too easy to blame others when your pain comes to light, but this comes from being taught that you’re not good enough. And then trying to prove it to yourself.

You must know that you are so spectacular! So leave this conditioning far behind. Recognize what is being shown and use these golden opportunities as they come. Your fear will show you how you have not believed in love. Ironically, it will lead you towards healing.

As important as it is to be aware of how you’ve been controlled and conditioned on this planet, still everything that you’re confronted with is a prime opportunity for growth. Every single thing. Can you feel the tremendous growth you’ve already achieved in this life? Don’t lose sight of this amidst these changing times.

Change can be volatile and polarizing, so ground yourself amidst chaotic situations. When you find yourself on the verge of crisis, let your emotions wash over you and feel what comes up, but do not react. Let it all pass through you and then leave, until it is completely gone.

Ground yourself in nature, and take everything in stride. Instill calm and grace. Greet erratic behavior in others with compassion for what we are all going through. Chaos can feel debilitating in the moment, but how quickly it is over, and so often not as bad as we thought.

Remember, personal transformation creates collective transformation, and old rules no longer apply. We are shifting from one dimension to another, and leaving limitation. We are finally acknowledging  the spiritual, where anything is possible. It’s too big to compare to the past, and rigid thinking simply does not fit. So let go of the rational mind and welcome your spiritual being.

It is time to marvel at the magic that is already yours. Your increasing intuition is mind-blowing and ready for you to revel in it. So revel in the all-accepting love that is building every day. This is the love we have been starved for on this human plane. It is the lighthouse of the soul, and it heals our world every time you grow deeper on your path. Know how brave you are to be here at this moment in history. Let us jump together and seize this gargantuan leap of faith.

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