
Posts Tagged ‘New Earth’

I just attended a powerful zoom class with Pleiadian Ambassador Christine Day that was life-changing. During the class, we journeyed through a guided meditation during which I felt a crystal clear sense of freedom unlike any I have ever known before. I came away understanding that freedom of this magnitude is exactly what humanity is being called to feel right now because it allows us to flourish without interference from everything that has controlled us in the past. It makes me giddy to know that so many of us on the Ascension path are feeling this absolute freedom together, and I’d love to share what my liberation felt like. Here is how my meditative journey transpired:  

I saw myself walking in a vast, light-filled landscape, surrounded by a brilliant sky made of lightest gold and palest blue. I was moving swiftly on a walkway of air that sat high above the old earth, and I sensed that I was on the other side of a barrier that used to keep me tied to the planet. The old earth was now just a tiny dot far behind me and way below me, and I was walking further and further away from it with liberating exhilaration! With every step, I felt SO INCREDIBLY FREE from everything I had ever been through as a human being. All that I had painfully endured in that place was suddenly gone from my reality. Only the love that I experienced remained, and I knew that INFINITE LOVE is all that lasts eternally. 

I felt the lightest I have ever felt. All of my human troubles and mishaps were gone. All the past experiences that I had suffered through that squashed me were OVER FOREVER, never to be seen again. As I continued walking away, the feeling grew, and it was so real, so final and so powerful! The earth of the past was no more for me, and I would never have to return to it. After so much relentless healing in this lifetime, I felt elation on every level.

My days of being a fish out of water were over too. I felt no guilt or judgment around leaving because I was simply retuning to my natural state—my Soul, and I was back to my true harmonic way of being. I was once again who I really am, and it felt absolutely glorious!!! 

As the meditation continued, I knew that I was walking my way back HOME to be with my beloved Family of Souls, including everyone I had loved on earth. We would all be together with our one and only GODSOURCE in the infinite LOVE that awaits us all, but first, I had revelations to share in this life. I woke from the meditation knowing what to do. 

The profound freedom that I experienced will allow me to create an entirely new paradigm in my life. I see that this is possible for all of us who want to create a harmonious New Earth. We just have to leave the systems that tricked us and stunted our own evolution. We just have to walk away FOREVER from all the ridiculous judgment that entered our own heads and held us in loops of entrapment—all the ignorance and interference, and the entire distorted paradigm. Indeed, we can free ourselves from anything we want—it is OVER whenever we say so, never to be experienced again. Our Beloved GodSource gave us free will, and we get to use it to free ourselves. 

THE PAST IS OVER, and we have suffered for it long enough, so let us cut those chords to the old earth and claim our liberation this instant! Let us walk high above the past in a benevolent sky filled with JOY! And stride freely into a familiar world of TOTAL BLISS. Let us return to the ETERNAL LOVE that lives in the center of all we know and bring that LOVE unto this precious Earth.  

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At this moment, humanity is undergoing a dramatic Ascension process. Our world is changing rapidly, as is how we experience life. Our awareness is expanding, and we are beginning to feel how infinite reality is. We are remembering how multi-dimensional, powerful, and limitless we truly are, and how free and loving our souls want us to be.

If you are on an accelerated path, then you are currently feeling this in a very personal way. You are also harnessing your purpose to create our New Earth and to assist others through these times. If you’re on a slower course, it helps tremendously to be open minded and to follow your heart. Here are some tips to help all of us.

Infinite Love, brave friends! ~Suzanne

Ascension Guidance:

  • Whenever you feel fear or limitation, put your hand on your heart and feel your fear subside. This is your secret weapon to take you through these changing times. Hidden fears are coming out now to be released, as is pain. Face these limitations with love. Feel them, and let them go. You no longer have to house them in your beautiful being.
  • Get as spiritual as you can on your unique, exquisite journey. Ask to safely accelerate your growth. The more spiritually aware you become, the more empowered you will be. Your personal guidance is invaluable. Look within instead of outside.
  • Stay calm in chaotic episodes and stressful situations. They will pass quickly. Don’t let them upset you in the moment. Practice non-reactivity and maintain peace. You will be so grateful that you didn’t hook into unnecessary drama.
  • Meditate daily, just as you would prioritize showering, eating, and sleeping. Breathe openly with zero restriction. Visualize that you are pulling the light of your higher consciousness into your human body. Feel this tremendous light inundate your being, from the inside out. Anchor it into your daily experience.  You are a lighthouse, here to help many and share your incredible gifts.
  • Protect yourself. Sensitive people like ourselves are inclined to empathize with others and match their energy. No matter how negative it is! We shine so brightly and leave ourselves wide open, but others may siphon our light. Here’s a beautiful tip I just received (on the same day!) from two friends. Protect yourself by visualizing a loving mirror of peace around you. The mirror reflects negativity back to its “owner.” You can also ask for protection from your personal Guides and Angels on a daily basis. Ask for specific help that you need in your life. You will be amazed by what you receive.
  • Experience the NOW as much as possible. This is where love resides and where you are most creatively powerful. Live from this place whenever you can. How exactly? Relax into the present moment. It is not a struggle. Just allow yourself to feel the now effortlessly. Go into presence and feel the peace of joy. Nothing else matters. You are love incarnate.
  • Embody LOVE as much as you can. This is your top priority. Leave old human squabbles and drama by the wayside – no matter how much you’ve been through. Repeating your painful stories keeps you stuck. Focus on compassionate love instead. Feel it’s power, benevolence, and joy. Become an active light of love in our world.

Nature, Exercise, and Nutrition: Spend time in nature as much as possible. You will be surrounded by invaluable support. Walk or exercise daily to circulate your energy, clear your mind, and receive an open channel of guidance. A pure diet of enjoyable, organic foods will do wonders for your spiritual clarity and health. Take great pleasure in healthy vegetables, seeds, and nuts that give you more energy. Drink the purest water you can get your hands on. Reverse osmosis is best as it removes fluoride (which stifles your awareness.) If you eat meat or dairy, thank the animals involved in this gift of life. It’s all about bringing higher consciousness into your day and creating an elevated experience.

And it goes without saying, don’t watch the news, where fear, control, and ego dominate.

For more information, click on Awakening.

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